C E R V I X   C H A N G E S
D U R I N G   T H E   M E N S T R U A L   C Y C L E
T h r e e   W o m e n ‘ s   C e r v i x e s

First published in 1981, A New View of a Woman’s Body by the Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers (with illustrations by Suzann Gage) presents pictures of women’s cervixes by photographer Sylvia Morales. I’m delighted to post these images with permission from the Federation, because they show, clearly, how a woman’s cervix and cervical fluid (also called CF or mucus) change throughout her menstrual cycle.

Three notes. First, while these photographs certainly give a fuller picture of the menstrual cycle, they don’t explain how to observe your own fertility signals, or how to use charts to prevent pregnancy or gauge gynecological health. To learn Fertility Awareness, take a class and/or buy Toni Weschler’s Taking Charge of Your Fertility. My book, which will come out next January, will also include comprehensive information on how to observe and chart your fertility signals, and how to use charts to prevent or achieve pregnancy and to gauge gynecological health.

Second, A New View of a Woman’s Body has been reissued by the Feminist Health Press, and can be ordered for $19.95, PLUS shipping & handling–$4.00 for your first book, .75 for each additional copy. California residents also need to add 8.25% for sales tax. Send check, money order, or use VISA/Mastercard, with checks addressed to Feminist Health Press, 8240 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046 (213.650.1508; fax 213.848.9402).

If you’re outside the U.S., shipping & handling is $7.95 for each item shipped via sea, and $15.95 for each item shipped via air. Send international money orders, foreign checks drawn on U.S. banks only, or use VISA/Mastercard.

Last, the Federation of Feminist Health Centers posts a website that includes these photos (and much, much more): www.womenshealthspecialists.org.


These photographs by Sylvia Morales were taken throughout each woman’s menstrual cycle.

This first woman is a 29-year-old lesbian. She uses no birth control. She started menstruating when she was 13. Her cycles are usually 28+ days long, and she bleeds for four or five days. She’s never been pregnant. She took the Pill several years ago, and has had migraine headaches ever since. For the last two years, she’s had premenstrual spotting.  

Day 3.
She’s still menstruating.


Day 6.
Her cervix is firm, her os (the opening to her cervix) is closed, and she has no cervical fluid.


Day 14.
Her cervix is soft, her os is open, and her CF is stretchy, like eggwhite. She is probably about to ovulate.


Day 22.
Her cervix is firmer than it was on Day 14. Her os is closed, and her mucus is dryer than it was on Day 14.


Day 27.
Her cervix is firm, her os is closed, and she has no mucus. This was the last day of her cycle–she started a new menstrual period the next day.

The second woman is 46. Her menstrual cycles are between 28 and 30 days long, and she usually has a three-day period. She had one illegal abortion which caused excessive bleeding, and then, eight years later, one birth.  

Day 2.
She is still menstruating.

Day 6.She’s still bleeding a little. Note that the blood is brownish, indicating “older” blood. Her cervix is firm, her os is closed, and she doesn’t appear to have any mucus.


Day 13.Her cervix is soft, her os is open, and she has clear, stretchy CF. She is probably about to ovulate. Note that her os is flat (rather than round), which is typical of women who’ve given birth vaginally.



Day 17.Her cervix is firm, her os is closed, and her mucus is dry. The cysts around her cervix (harmless, in her case) are more prominent.


Day 28.Her cervix is firm, her os is closed, and her CFF is dry. This was the last day of her cycle.

The third set of photos are from a 19-year-old woman. She started menstruating when she was thirteen, and has had one abortion. There is no significant difference in the appearance of her cervix because she is taking the Pill, which suppresses the changes a woman naturally experiences.

Day 1.A small amount of withdrawal bleeding results from taking the sugar pill.

Day 4.


Day 14. Her cervix looks the same as it did ten days before.


Day 23.


Day 28. This is the last day before breakthrough bleeding begins again.