Katie Singer aspires to Herman Daly’s principles: Don’t take from the Earth faster than it can replenish; and don’t waste faster than it can absorb. She writes about the energy, extractions, water use and toxic waste involved in manufacturing, operating and discarding the Internet, solar PVs, industrial wind and EVs; and she reports on ways to reduce the technosphere’s ecological harms. Her books include An Electronic Silent Spring, The Garden of Fertility, Honoring Our Cycles and The Wholeness of a Broken Heart (a novel). She aims to complete Mapping Our Technosphere to Reduce Harms to Nature, soon. Visit www.katiesinger.substack.com, www.OurWeb.tech and www.ElectronicSilentSpring.com. For speaking engagements with Katie Singer, go to Contact.

Our Web of Inconvenient Truths: The Internet, Energy Use, Toxic Waste and Climate Change





An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the Dangers and Creating Safe Limits





Honoring Our Cycles:A Natural Family Planning Workbook





The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting Your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy—Naturally—and to Gauge Your Reproductive Health




The Wholeness
of a Broken Heart


Katie Singer’s Jewelry
Essays about publishing
Reproductive System Posters